Instructional Delivery
When it comes to instructional delivery it is important to remember that all students learn differently. Our goal as teachers is to make sure that we are engaging all of our students. While there are many ways to do this, some of the key ways are through technology, intriguing lessons, and the voices of the students. By combining these instructional delivery techniques teachers, are more readily able to effectively deliver instruction for all students.
Technology in the class can take many forms to vary instructional delivery as well as enhance it. Students can use Kahoot to either study for a test or take one, as seen below. In a classroom like that below there is also the perk having one-to-one technology where students are given computers by the school to use to enhance lessons and assignments. Students can take quizzes that are automatically graded to help keep the class moving swiftly. In some cases students can even partake in an inverted classroom where they take a lecture at home and do enrichment activities in the classroom.
Intriguing Lessons
Lessons that are intriguing simply means that students are actively learning or demonstrating their knowledge through various methods, including higher level thinking or teaching the class a concept. For government students this meant doing independent research on a section of the Constitution and then working in small groups to share information that explains the concept. The students then taught their segment to the rest of the class. Students were responsible for taking notes on the sections they did not present.
Student Voice
Students should always have a voice in the classroom. This can come from students discussing material in class. More importantly they can have a say in how they learn or how they show that they have learned. This can be done anonymously or students can directly suggest doing a certain activity. This was exhibited with my US History students when they were given a creative writing assignment. A sometimes shy and quiet student was able to express more thoughts on the assignment.
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