Teachers must possess the proper and complete knowledge of their subject to effectively share to impart it to students. While there are many ways to demonstrate professional knowledge, some of the most effective are by having proficient content knowledge, using content knowledge to address multiple styles of learning, and using the curriculum standards appropriately during instruction. A teacher that encompasses all of these key ingredients is brewing a recipe for success.
Content Knowledge
All teachers have a responsibility to their students to make sure they are learning as much as they possibly can and are prepared to apply that knowledge in the real world. For me as a teacher, the first step in fulfilling that responsibility is by making sure that I am adequately prepared in my knowledge of what I will be sharing with the students. I currently have accomplished that by completing my undergraduate degree from Longwood University and being on the verge of finishing my master’s degree from Hollins University. This provides me the confidence to deliver quality knowledge in the classroom in a way that works for all students.
Pedagogical knowledge
Students learn in many different ways; my ability to address these needs is based in my pedagogical knowledge. During my student teaching, my co-teacher and I integrated multiple styles of learning through our inverted classroom setting. Students completed their lecture and main note taking at home as homework, then in the physical classroom preformed various tasks to reinforce the material from the night before. Aside from direct teaching taking place at home, the classroom activities often varied in style as well. Students worked on assignments in small groups, like the storyboard below, and also worked individually to produce a story or lesson to share with the class.
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Standards of Learning
The Commonwealth of Virginia sets forth standards for each grade level in the each of the core subjects. While students often have different levels of background knowledge, there is a helpful mandated goal that all students must attain. By using these standards in the classroom and making students aware of these objectives, students can set more goals for what they want to reach, see where the class is heading, and speak up and have a voice on how the class can get there.
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For more information on professional knowledge please check out my thoughts and research on the matter.